Quite often when I go looking on the internet for something, not much comes up in a search. Recently someone asked me about a child who was abducted in 1969, whether that child was still missing. I tried to research her but almost nothing came up in a search, and I spent several hours researching in real books (remember those? Made of paper?) to find the information.
The child that inspired that search was found after a year of being missing. What saddens me is that she's been forgotten by almost all except her family, who I am sure would never forget. Sometimes the families don't want them to be publicly remembered, and I completely understand and respect that but one of the things I want to do is honour those so cruelly taken by murder. Sometimes the murders were solved, sometimes they have not been yet. These pages are to remember the victims and honour their lives. If you're looking for gory detail and discussions about serial killers and what they did, you have come to the wrong place.
If you are the family member of someone in this section and you would prefer that I remove them, I will of course respect your wishes and remove them immediately, please e mail me - nicole@australianmissingpersonsregister.com
or phone 0438 900 861.
This section also provides an opportunity for unsolved murders to remain in the public memory and perhaps bring forward new information. A newspaper today will wrap up tomorrow's fish and chips, but this website will remain, for people to check it at their leisure.
This section is still under construction so please bear with me as I build it.
If you know anything about any unsolved murder, please contact your local police station or ring Crimestoppers on 1800 333 000 immediately.
* A note about the photos - wherever possible on this website I used photos approved for publication by Police or supplied to me by the families. Sometimes the only photo I have been able to find is one that has the copyright marks on them that you see in some of the pics. I know it's wrong, I know I shouldn't be using them but I would rather technically do the wrong thing than not have any image of them at all. This is a voluntary service, I don't have any money at all to spend buying the photos. If the copyright owners would like me to remove them, I will abide by your wishes but in six years of doing this, no one has ever made the request and that makes me happy, that you can see what a vital thing these photos are for people to be able to remember these victims.