Australian Missing Persons Register
Western Australian Missing Persons
Children & Teens, 0-17 years
If you have seen any of the people on these pages please call Crimestoppers on 1800 333 000
I can be contacted by e mail -
but if you have any information about any missing person please contact Police on the numbers above.*Please note - if you find someone on my website who you know has been located PLEASE contact me so I can remove them.
This is a message from Maggie Dodd, mother of missing girl Hayley -
I would like to inform
families who have a loved one missing that a
memorial has been built in Mandurah W.A for all
missing persons.
People can have a plaque placed there with the name
of their loved one. We have placed one there for our
daughter Hayley, it reads
Hayley Dodd - Missing without a trace 29 July 1999 - Badgingarra 'a little flower lent not given to bud on earth and bloom in Heaven.'
Hayley's plaque was the
first to be placed there in July 2006 marking 7
years since we last saw her. Another plaque has now
been placed there for Sylvia Davidson, who
disapeared in the early 1950's, by her daughter.
The idea of the memorial is to give people like us
who do not have graves to go to somewhere to put a
flower on a birthday, a quiet place to sit and
reflect, to shed a tear and say a prayer.
The Memorial is located on the beautiful foreshore
in Mandurah beside a dolphin fountain for all who
pass to see. Maybe someone will pass by and see the
plaques and maybe have that bit of information we
There are 336 long term missing people in WA, some of which date back to 1952.